The House of Usher is a Roger Corman film based on the Edgar Allan Poe story of the same name.  And like many of the Poe-Corman films, this one opens with a shot of an incredibly atmospheric, decaying estate-the House of Usher-and Corman manages to make it look as eerie as any haunted house has ever been. Corman did a couple of these Poe stories with decent success. This one is no different. This flick is about a man who is in love with a woman with a cursed pedigree. The Usher bloodline is cursed to have sensory problems. They are ultra-sensitive to sound and can only tolerate the blandest of foods. They are also destined to a life of murder, thievery, and debauchery. Throw in the fact that the house is possessed and you’ve got a nasty first date.

Vincent Price masterfully plays Roderick Usher, the overprotective brother of the woman in question, who has lately fell ill to the Usher curse. The hero of the story doesn’t really believe in the curse and wants to take Madeline from the house to get better and to get married.

There is no gore or skin in the flick, but you kinda knew that going in. This is a story-driven movie, so it won’t necessarily have the cheap thrills that Paynecraft so adores. Still, a pretty good flick. Great creepy atmosphere. It reminded me of “The Premature Burial” on several occasions, but especially the beginning. This would be expected though as the two movies have much in common.

Overall, this is a pretty good movie. The acting was good and the story was pretty solid. I’m a basic Poe fan, but he gets it done on most occasions. Check this movie out if you are into Poe, Corman, Price, or old horror movies. It’s pretty tame by today’s standards, but it's still worthy of a watch.

Vincent Price ... Roderick Usher
Mark Damon ... Philip Winthrop
Myrna Fahey ... Madeline Usher
Harry Ellerbe ... Bristol
Eleanor LeFaber ... Ghost
Ruth Oklander ... Ghost
Géraldine Paulette ... Ghost

Also known as: The Fall of the House of Usher 

9 out of 10 Scarecrows

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